Best wishes in 2016 to all.The library will offer a Vermont Humanities Council program again this winter. We will host a Reading & Discussion series titled "The Seven Deadly Sins", meeting once a month
on Tuesday evenings, with a local scholar leading the discussions. The readings are short stories, by a very varied group of writers, all collected in one volume. The books arrived last week,
so you are welcome to stop in and check one out if you want to participate in this engaging program. Here is the schedule of sins:
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 7pm: Envy / Gluttony, discussion led by Jim Schley
Tuesday, March 8,7pm: Pride / Greed / Lust, discussion led by Rachael Cohen
Tuesday, April 5, 7pm: Anger / Sloth, discussion led by Mary Hays
The Morrill Memorial & Harris Library will be participating in a state-wide pilot program, using a courier service for InterLibrary Loan requests for participating libraries.
The service will start within the month, with hopes to reduce our costs and provide good service. If you use ILL services, you will probably not notice any difference.
The Reading Group will meet Thursday, Jan. 28 at 1 pm to discuss "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen. Let us know if you need a copy of the book.