FINALLY --------- we have scheduled two sessions to showcase all the services
available to you through the
Green Mountain Library Consortium:
MANGO - the internet based, foreign language learning program, teaching
conversational language and cultural awareness.
(yes, you need high speed internet service). Great if you're traveling,
as a supplement to a school curriculum, want to brush up old skills or learn a
new language for the fun of it.
Downloadable audiobooks for many devices.
Downloadable e-books ---- NOW AVAILABLE FOR KINDLES, also!!
So, bring your laptop if you have one, your Kindle, Nook, i-pad, Sony reader,
MP3 player, i-pod, etc. and learn how to enjoy this free
(well, free to all of you, thanks to the Friends of the Morrill Library)
service from the library.
Please join us on:
Tuesday, Oct. 18, at 6:30 pm or
Saturday, Nov. 5, at 10 am.
Call the library if you have any questions...... 765-4037