OOPS ----- wreaths will not be available starting Sunday (today!) ----- they'll be ready on Tuesday.
You're welcome to stop in the library any time we're open to purchase a wreath ($15/plain; $16.50 w/ribbon)
or raffle tickets or drop off donations for the sale. Items can also be dropped off Friday between 3 - 5 or Saturday
morning, between 9 - 10.
Raffle tix are also available all week, from 3 - 5:30 at Coburns Store, where you can see the great prizes.The after-school program continues on Thursday and Storytime is this Friday, 10 am.
If you're getting promotional material from magazines (buy a subscription, get a free one), please let us
know. If it's a magazine we're interested in, maybe we can both save some money. We know there
are offers for Consumer Reports and others out there.