Friday: 10 am: STORYTIME!Friday: 7 pm: A Community Storytelling Event: "TRUTH BE TOLD" The evening’s theme is: COINCIDENCE or FATE?
Live music and refreshments, followed by stories (5 mins. each) at 7:30 pm.
Free and open to teens and up ------ tell a story or come and enjoy others.
We hope to see you there! For more information: Noah Chute
And please join us for a SPECIAL EVENT: SUNDAY, April 27
7PM, NEXT DOOR AT THE HOMESTEAD ---- Education Building
BEN KILHAM, "the bear guy", will present a program on "The Social Black Bear: What Bears Have Taught Me About Being Human".
Having worked with Black Bears for over two decades, Kilham's knowledge, love and devotion to them is amazing. He'll be bringing some photos
and video clips, and copies of his recent book, "Out On A Limb", will be for sale.