THE BOOK SALE IS ALMOST HERE!Friday 5-7 pmSaturday 9 am - 1pmDonations gratefully accepted through Thursday.Great bargains and a great time to stock up. There's an especially great selection of children's books this year.On Saturday, the library will be open for the sale only, not for regular library business. (of course, internet access is always available outside).Friday evening is especially fun, as you can stroll next door to the Homestead for the art show and "mini" auction!The children's summer programs will once again be on Monday evenings at 6:30pm, starting July 7. We'll start with a special program: "What's Up? The Night Sky" with amatuer astronomer Brad Vietje. We'll meet next door at the Homestead Education Building where Mr. Vietje will use globes, planisheres and models to help us understand what's up at night. This program is appropriate for ages 5 and up.
For preschoolers (and all ages!) Emily will host a weekly Storytime on Fridays at 10 am, starting July 11.
We are starting a lego collection (please let us know if you are thinking of getting rid of some) and kids are always welcome to play with them here at the library.
It's cool and comfortable in the library, so stop in and see what's new.