Children's summer programs start this week!
Dream Big - Monday evening programs at 6:30 (geared toward school-age
children ---- siblings always welcome)
July 9:  -  Pajama Party Kickoff ----- wear your PJ's, bring a favorite
stuffed toy if you like and listen to some dreamy stories.
July 16: "Sleeping Beauty" performance by Summer Encore Theater --- IN THE
July 23: Nocturnal Animals
July 30: SPECIAL: Fire Truck night on the green!
August 6: Campfire Night
August 13: Movie Night: "Night at the Museum" --- wear your PJ's if you like.

STORYTIME for Preschoolers: Fridays at 10 am. Please join us.

Thanks to all who donated books, bought books, and especially those who
helped make the book sale a huge success.