The after-school program will start next Thursday, September 13.(yes, we know it's Tunbridge Fair) ......... with a slight change:the program will run from 3:15 - 4:15, instead of 4:30. We hope this isn't aninconvenience, but Emily needs to leave in a timely fashion and we have been finding that after an hour, most kids are ready for something else. So, please pick up at 4:15.We are also (sadly) suspending Storytime on Fridays ..... there just hasn't been enough
interest. Do let us know if you are interested in having a storytime at the library and we can
try again, either on Wednesday or Friday morning.
Mark your calendars: on Thursday, September 20, there will be another program on
"Caring for Aging Adults" ------- Strafford resident Caroline Moore will join us.
Caroline is the director of the Dartmouth Hitchcock Aging Resource Center, and she will
talk about the services they offer for older adults and their families. There will also be time
to share your experiences. Please join us in the library at 7 pm on the 20th.