We are in the planning stages for events for the "VERMONT READS" program, and
will post dates as soon as we schedule them. Meanwhile, come in and pick up a copy of
"To Kill a Mockingbird"so you can start reading.
Oliver Munson (7th grader) wants to start a Dungeons & Dragons group, to meet
at the library on Mondays from 3:30 - 5pm. He needs four people to start a group ------ please call him at 765-4196 to let him know if you're interested.
Thursday "After School" group continues with a celebration of Dr. Suess.
Friday, 10 am: Storytime for all preschoolers.
Thursday, March 31, 1pm: reading group meets to discuss "Absalom, Absalom" by
William Faulkner.
Please note: LUV DVD's due in by next Weds., March 16.
DON'T FORGET: The Friends of the Morrill Library are presenting a very special
Mary Holland - naturalist, writer, photographer and environmental educator
Sunday, March 20, 4pm, at the Education Center at the Morrill Homestead.
Audiences of all ages can enjoy this program.