Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Monday, January 11, 2016, 7:00 pm
Any items to add or remove?
Secretary's Report
* Review and approve minutes from December meeting
Librarian's Report
* DVD units from Waterbury and old unit
* Stuart Smith benefit concert 4/17/16
* Dept. of Libraries & GMLC courier service
* Dept. of Libraries record of governance request
* Humanities Council program
* After school and preschool program updates
* Turrell and other grants
Friends' Report
* Little Library
Other business
* Windowsill repair
* Painting restoration
* Appeals letter donations
* Call Secretary of State - File articles of corporation
Other business
* Front door lock
* Town Reports due Monday, January 18, 2016,
* Mike Hebb proposal to clear land
Treasurer s Report
* Review profit and loss statement
* 2016 budget review and approve