Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Trustees Meeting


Monday, August 19, 2024, 7:00 PM


Assign a secretary to take notes

Any items to add or remove?


Secretary's Report

Approve minutes from July meeting


Librarian's Report

Weekly postings

Ordering for collection - monthly, postings

Summer reading program, AS program, preschool story time, teen time, nursery time

Space designer- 8/27

Turrell grant

Kanopy, Biblio


Friends' Report

Book Sale


Treasurer's Report 

Review profit and loss statement

Grant review ā€“ audit?


Other Business

Rug upgrade


Website improvement


Adult programs -August?

Executive session ā€“ personnel 


August Monthly Duty

Personnel Committee meets with librarian


Next meeting

Monday, September 10, 2024 ā€“ Iā€™m away