Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Trustees Meeting

Monday, August, 12, 2019, 7:00 pm



Any items to add or remove?


Secretary's Report

Review and approve minutes from the July meeting


Librarian's Report

How are things going? Help needed?

Ordering for collection – monthly

Children’s summer programs – weekly publicity

Kanopy subscription numbers

Afterschool program coordinator for fall – weekly postings

Volunteer training 

Summer vacation coverage

New laptop

Metal bookends request from other libraries 


Friends' Report

Tent – books

New tent, tables 


Treasurer's Report

Review profit and loss statement

New insurance company by August 20


Other Business

Costs related to septic issue to date - Kerry

Doc/Dory – solar array info


Septic – Brent, Tom, Sean costs, start date

Lamppost repair- Rocky


Next meeting date Monday, September 9, 2019