Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Morrill Memorial & Harris Library Trustees Meeting

Monday, July 8, 2024, 7:00 PM in Library


Attendees: Cindy Binzen, Miriam Newman, Rachel Kurland,Carol Wilson, Melissa Strayton (Library Director),  Kevin Lynch.  Absent:  Becky Proulx


Action Item Summary


      Review Valley Floor estimates. On hold pending room refresh.

      Cindy to purchase new rug.

      Rocky to straighten rod for new sign board.

      Cindy to look for dorm fridge for the Library.


      Miriam will participate in personnel committee.


      Rachel will investigate what suffices for an Audit from the Federal perspective.

      Rachel will invite Kitty Interior Designer to take a look at Library space and how to optimize. 

      Rachel will call Toni Pippy to discuss the Town leveling out the road skirt where cars park in front of the Library.

      Rachel will reach out to Noah Chute regarding mini-Moth session.


      Revise and post opening for After School program.

      New Covid tests (assuming it makes sense since smallest request is 3000).

      Order new thermostat in Aug.

      Reach out to West Lebanon / White River architect for space planner suggestion.

      Turrell grant submission 31-Jul.

      Regular postings (weekly is where we landed) to the listserv should include noteworthy items such as all upcoming activities at the library (as many as are planned), new additions to collections, activities, etc. 


      Set up discussion to move forward on website.


      Finalize patron survey in Google and create paper edition.



      Post policies on google drive and learn to post final minutes to website.

      Make progress on website content.


      Pursue Fall grant for roof replacement

Secretary’s Report

      Approved minutes from June meeting - Moved Newman, seconded Wilson, approved all.


Librarian’s Report

      28 enrolled in Summer Reading Program of which 12-15 form the core group, 8 of those being very active.  Main group consists of 2nd graders with a few 3rd and 4th.

      The new large adult order ready to submit next week.  Still working on children’s order.

      Meg Teachout will lead a pre-teen book group, focussed on whatever the group are reading.  Starts in 2-3 weeks.   THANK YOU Meg!

      Brooke is on hold, may be considered for pre-school.

      Creative Nursery will institute a story time at the Library on Thursday.  Considering opening to rest of community.  Melissa to lead.

      Will try to get pre-school story time going in August.  On a related note, the new Turrell-funded children’s  position (tbh) might do either baby time, pre-school, pre-teen, after-school,

      Turrell Grant Season is upon us - we have not spent the money because Sarah left unexpectedly. Due date for grant submission 31-Jul.  Agreement is that it would be good to ask for $3K again.


Friends Report

      Absent.  However, the sense is that the book sale earned $1600 on Fri, Sat tbd..


Treasurer’s Report

      Review PL statement.  Highlights - in the red for budget, but not inordinately so. Library has just received a tranche from the town, with book sale revenues coming soon.

      Child Care Tax and Unemployment Tax - For non-profits, we can ignore Unemployment Tax until the employee starts using.  Childcare tax is 0.44%, which Library will pay.


Other Business

      Mowing discussion ensued. Need to keep an eye on frequency of mowing,

      Rachel to call Toni Pippy on levelling the skirt on the road where cars park.

      Update on removing paintings, books, sculptures - Underway.  

      Policy review - vexed discussion of policy around selling items in the Library.  No sales!

      Dorm refrigerator - Cindy to look on listserv.

      Rug upgrade - YES.  

      Patron survey - looks great.  Becky to talk to Coburn’s about making available survey and dropping off survey.  On hold for travel

      Website improvement - underway.    

      Adult programs – Webbs on July 11.  Cindy to host.

      Mini-Moth story hour in future. Rachel to ask Noah Chute.

      Test Water Results - no problems.

      Grant review - what is considered an Audit?

      Summer reading program underway!

      Open Meeting Law - we will not implement.

      Discussion of regular listserv postings of goings-on at the library.  TLDR.  Regular postings to listserv by Melissa.

      Recording of library programs or meetings is neither desirable, feasible nor possible.

      Miriam to join personnel committee.

      Set up meeting with Web designer. Carol

      Executive session – deferred


July Monthly Duties

      Personnel committee meets with Librarian

August Monthly Duties

      Tax info to accountant - move this activity to April 


Next Meeting  Monday, August 19, 2024