Minutes for the October 11, 2023 Trustees Meeting
Minutes of the Oct. 11 Trustees Meeting
The meeting convened at 7 p.m. at the library.
Attending were Cindy Binzen, Melissa Strayton (librarian), Rachel Kurland, Kevin Lynch, Becky Proulx and Miriam Newman.
Friends Report: None.
Librarian's Report: Melissa has received and processed the latest book orders. The Newton School
bus schedule has changed and the bus is not dropping children at the library for the afterschool program
until after 3:30. The program currently ends at 4:30. Sarah has offered to stay later and Melissa has
contacted parents of participants asking for feedback. There are seven registered participants and
attendance is usually four or five. Sarah has given notice for the end of the year. The Board discussed
possible replacement options for someone to run the children's programs (afterschool and summer)
starting in January. There was some discussion of the Palace and Overdrive/Libby audio and ebooks
programs; each has different libraries, with Overdrive/Libby having access to a much more extensive
collection. Melissa will continue to promote these programs to patrons. Melissa submitted the Turrell
Report but did not have a completed 990 form to include; Rachel will follow up. Melissa continues to
communicate with Artistree about a Saturday program for children.
Treasurer's Report: P&L statements were submitted. The board discussed the increase in costs for
various services and the COLA increase this year for salaries. Future allocation of funds and access to
savings will be considered at the planning/strategy retreat.
Other Business: The trustees welcomed Becky Proulx to the board. The board decided that Becky will
fill the remainder of Miriam's Harris trustee slot and Miriam was appointed by the board to be a Morrill
trustee. Kevin will be host for the upcoming presentation by Laura Ogden (November 8). Melissa will
follow up on the needed door painting. West Wilson looked at the roof and confirmed that the best plan
is to replace the roof altogether; we can continue to make repairs as needed but they are likely to grow
more extensive with time. Rachel offered to draft the appeals letter. The draft patron questionnaire was
reviewed and discussed. Work on it continues.
Our next meeting will be Monday, November 13, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
Submitted by Miriam Newman