Minutes for the July 12 Trustees Meeting

The meeting convened at 7 p.m. at the library. Attending were Cindy Binzen, Rachel Kurland, Curt Albee, Carol Wilson, Melissa Strayton (librarian), Diane White (for the Friends) and Marty Frank.

Minutes from the June meeting were accepted.

Friends’ Report: Diane reported that the book sale was very successful, grossing around $3,800 despite the bad weather. Making books available for free on Sunday seemed to work well; quite a few books were taken. Diane thinks the set-up process might be improved by hauling the books out of the basement during the evening when it’s likely to be cooler and by making sure to have more young people to help out. Meanwhile, the Friends are planning to host a reading/presentation/discussion by Gus Speth, perhaps in late July.

Librarian’s Report: Melissa said the library has been extremely busy since fully reopening. People are happy to be back in the library and able to browse the shelves in person. She’s been seeing families, summer people and new patrons. The return of people has increased demand for the masks we provide because many people show up without one. Summer programming for children is going well, and the program that featured animals was especially well attended. In the offing are programs involving a story walk, a hike with Micki Colbeck and a performance by Brooke Wilkinson. The final program will be Aug. 5.

Melissa said we still need to arrange to scrub the old computer and cart it off for recycling. Library coverage during her upcoming vacation is all set. A book order is ready to go. Volunteers are now trained to process LUV materials and hunt down overdue books.

Melissa received notification from the Turrell  Foundation that its grant-making has changed: The grants it is awarding are sometimes smaller than those disbursed in the past, and organizations that had been receiving yearly awards might not get one every year. That second change might not affect us because we didn’t apply for a grant last year. The application is due Aug. 2. On the other hand, all we have to do to receive a $2,000 grant through the American Rescue Plan Allocation is put in an application by Aug. 9 and explain how we plan to spend the money. Libraries can use the money on supplies or equipment and need to have it spent by the middle of next year. The trustees discussed some possible purchases — air cleaners, audio-visual equipment, a hand cart for hauling books, shelving or other organizational aids for the basement — and noted that a decision will have to be made before our next meeting.. 

Treasurer’s  Report: Rachel sent out a profit and loss statement before the meeting that showed that we’re on track in terms of spending and income. She’ll take care of getting the Rymes heating fuel contract signed and submitted.

Other Business: Curt is still calling Shawn Harlow about the basement leak and Jeff Wilmot about the finishing touches of the painting project. Marty reported that Melvin Coburn had offered a free bench to the library that the Lions Club receives when it recycles a certain amount of plastic. The trustees agreed that the bench would be a welcome gift. The old pillows will be pitched. E.C. Browns will be doing landscaping work sometime in August. Window washing is scheduled for September. Rocky plans to repair the long horizontal window that illuminates the back room at some point. The reading by Corey Cook and Catherine Tudish at the Townhouse will start at 7 on Aug. 19. We need to call Paul Kifner to have a sound system set up, and Marty needs to prepare something to publicize the event. Perhaps the Friends can be asked to provide refreshments. The Personnel Committee met with Melissa in July.

Our next meeting will be Aug. 9 at 7 p.m. at the library.

Submitted by Marty Frank