Minutes of March 2018 Trustees Meeting
Minutes for March 12 Trustees Meeting
Present: Cindy Binzen, Curt Albee, Marty Frank, Rachel Kurland, Miriam Newman, Melissa Strayton (librarian)
Minutes from the February meeting were accepted.
Librarian’s Report: Melissa said that she feels like she’s getting her feet under her. She has begun organizing the shelves and put in her first book order.
There was no children’s program last week because of the snowstorm or the week before because of school vacation. We have about $1,700 left in the programming budget for the remainder of the year. Melissa has booked someone to come in during the summer for a workshop on making musical instruments, in keeping with this year’s statewide theme, “Libraries Rock.”
Stuart Smith has expressed interest in again doing one, perhaps two, benefit concerts for the library. Curt will check in with him to make sure he doesn’t have the July 4 weekend in mind.
Treasurer’s Report: Rachel said our budgetary situation looks good. We paid Eli for the tree work — an expense that was expected and which we covered through our checking account in recognition of the large balance we’ve been running. Steve Handy, who has been filling in for Mark Chute, has indicated that he would like to donate his time and labor.
Miscellaneous: Rachel touched base with Dori Wolfe who referred her to Green Mountain Power to get the information we’re seeking about our arrangement with the solar array. Rachel is continuing to gather information. The board decided not to change its alcohol policy: The library will continue its prohibition. Servpro returned to finish cleaning the basement of soot, and Rachel, who has sorted donated books before and after the cleaning, reports it’s definitely better.
Our bylaws require the annual election of officers at the first meeting after Town Meeting. Cindy was elected president; Rachel, treasurer; and Marty, secretary. The trustees also voted to continue meeting the second Monday of every month at 7 p.m. at the library.
With Melissa facing a challenging commute during bad weather, the trustees decided it was time to discuss our closing policy. While some libraries simply follow the lead of the local school, the trustees decided it would be preferable to try to hew to our regularly scheduled hours as much as possible. With our first priority being Melissa’s safety and our second being keeping the library open, the trustees asked Melissa to contact volunteers on days when she can’t drive safely. If no arrangements can be made, we’ll close the library and get the word out through Facebook and the listserv.
Curt has proposed replacing the large and extremely heavy screen door with something a little bit easier to move around. Our choices are to get an aluminum door or custom build a new one. Because an aluminum door would look odd/ugly on a historic building, the trustees are going to pursue having one built. Cindy suggested she might be able to find someone to do the work.
Curt asked about getting rid of the card catalog in the front vestibule to free up space. None of the trustees objected to auctioning it off, selling it or otherwise removing it.
Melissa said the sign in the front needs some work. Curt said he would look at it.
April is the month we customarily thank our volunteers. Carol has again volunteered to send them her lovely thank-you notes. We’ll need to provide her a list.
Because of various trustees’ travel plans, we will not be able to hold the April meeting at the regular time. Instead, we’ll meet April 2.
Submitted by Marty Frank