Minutes of September 2016 Trustees Meeting
Minutes for September 12, 2016
Present: Cindy Binzen, Miriam Newman, Carol Wilson, Curt Albee, Rachel Kurland, Marty Frank, David Webb, Rebecca Seibel
Minutes of the July meeting were approved.
Librarian’s Report: The summer programming has come to an end; 30 children maintained reading logs, and 27 received gift certificates. Attendance on Monday evenings was down but the program went well overall.
The after-school program will begin Sept. 22 — a little later than usual because of an altered bus schedule necessitated by the detour. Rebecca talked to Tori Lloyd about adult programming, particularly for seniors. One question is whether to do it at the library or at senior lunch.
Friends Report: David reported that about 30 people attended each of the three Townhouse Forums this summer, and about $550 was raised. The Friends are thinking about recruiting new members and welcome suggestions. A meeting will be held to discuss the Holiday Sale raffle and what else must be done in preparation.
Treasurer’s Report: Rachel passed around the most recent budget report and said we seem to be doing fine.
Other Business: Terri Garrison has done the repair work on the window sills. Curt’s attempts to make contact with a mason more than once have come to naught and the repointing work on the brickwork remains aspirational. The cleared space out back looks good; the lawn has established itself and Mike Hebb has put a picnic table he built for us there. Curt plans to remove the undesirable trees with help from Steve Handy. The Building and Grounds Committee completed its inspection before the meeting and found no outstanding problems.
Next meeting will be Oct. 17.
Submitted by Marty Frank