The meeting began at 7:05pm via Zoom with Cindy Binzen, Marty Frank, Rachel Kurland, Miriam Newman, Curt Albee, Melissa Strayton, librarian, and Carol Wilson in attendance.

The minutes of the February 2022 meeting were accepted as amended.

Librarian’s Report:  The adult book order has been submitted with the books about to arrive.  The children’s book order will be submitted soon.  The Take-and-Make activities available during the February school vacation were very popular and well-received. Cindy asked Melissa if something similar could be done for the April vacation.  Plans are being made for the Summer Program.  This year’s theme is “Oceans of Possibility”.  The program will once again be in-person and outdoors.  Melissa is tracking costs of postage for in-state mailings, noting that the grant-supported courier is saving a lot in postage costs.  Vermont Department of Libraries has sent CO2 monitors for air quality.  We have used funds from ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) to purchase 2 air purifiers.  Melissa is developing a list of books for parenting resources and nonfiction children’s books to purchase with the remaining ARPA funds.  Tom Root suggested to Melissa that we could improve lighting downstairs with better LED bulbs.  It was voted to take Tom up on his offer to get them for us.

Treasure’s Report:  Rick Barrows of Thetford has agreed to do our taxes.  Mascoma Wealth Management will take on managing our endowment and bequest.  We will consult with them and the Trustees of Public Funds further as to where to direct our investments.

Other Business:  Curt will look into the source of the bathroom and basement septic smell.  Curt and Rocky have a plan they hope will take care of the leak in the basement.  It will involve some digging and pipe replacement when the ground thaws.  Cindy will contact Catherine Tudish and Corey Cook, both local writers with Strafford ties, to reschedule the event with them that had to be postponed last fall.  We continue to brainstorm ideas about using the bequest, including a number of building improvements such as roof repair, replacing windows, and adding sheetrock to the basement ceiling. But these repairs might be eligible for grant funding, or could be funded by the endowment.  We would like to preserve the Campbell Bequest and use it in a way to honor former librarian Kay Campbell, such as improving the children’s space.

Election of Officers:  Cindy Binzen was elected President. Rachel Kurland was elected Treasurer.  Marty Frank was elected Secretary.  All votes were unanimous.  Cindy moved and Marty seconded that the officers of the board be excluded under the state of Vermont’s Workers Compensation Act.  That was unanimously approved.

Notice:  The Trustees of the Morrill Memorial and Harris Library meet on the second Monday of the month at 7:00pm at the Library, in person when we can and by Zoom when we cannot.

Next Meeting:  April 11, 2022, 7:00pm, perhaps by Zoom

Respectfully submitted, Carol Wilson