The meeting convened at 7 p.m. in the library. Present were Cindy Binzen, Miriam Newman, Melissa Strayton  (librarian), Rachel Kurland, Carol Wilson, Rebecca Proulx, Kevin Lynch and Martin Frank (Strafford citizen).


Martin Frank Retirement:  Many encomiums and voluble plaudits were offered to Marty Frank for his long, productive service as a Morrill Trustee.  Marty has our deepest appreciation for all the work he did!  We hope to see him regularly at the Library. 


Secretary’s Report: Cindy Binzen voted to promote Miriam Newman to Morrill Trustee and to sign letter saying such; Rachel Kurland approved.  Cindy will provide letter to Town Office.  Minutes of October meeting approved.


Library Investment Committee Report:  Cindy Stableford provided an overview of all library funds and a current snapshot of value. For more detail, please see sheet1 and sheet2.  To cover library shortfalls, the Investment Committee recommends tapping into the Operating Fund income, currently $4358, and/or income from the Restricted Funds, currently $700 combined.  For planning purposes, Investment Committee recommends assuming 3% annual growth in Operating Fund income.  


Friends Report: None


Librarian’s Report: Artistree Saturday morning program was attended by nearly two dozen and Laura Ogden’s Wednesday evening session was similarly well attended. On a similarly popular note, Melissa acquired several dozen free Covid-19 test kits from the state for public distribution. Some have expiration dates coming up at end of year so these are the first to be handed out.  In response to a request for more British streaming content, Melissa held a broad conversation on budgeting for streaming in future:  streaming is not getting cheaper but is growing in popularity.   Kanopy, Overdrive/Libby and Hoopla have moved or will move to a subscription model, some requiring an uplift payment for premium content.  Melissa will do more investigation to recommend what to fund in future.  For the physical collection,  Melissa continues ordering. Melissa interviewed a candidate for afternoon program but will not move forward with candidate.  Notice on the Turrell grant is expected in early December.  Kevin and Melissa to work on Palace instructions and publication.  The Library Annual report will require input from Melissa at end of December.  Cindy will send letter thanking Ann Fayen and Conservation Commission for invasive clean-up behind Library (in a steady rain, no less).  Cindy sent out annual appeal; over one dozen responses so far and an equal number of acknowledgements sent.  Linking Land maps have been distributed to Library:  Miriam will contact Tii McLane to present sometime in Jan. Cleaning bill and mowing bill have arrived.  Holiday Sale preparations are underway.


Treasurer’s Report:  2022 Taxes were signed and delivered, two days ahead of time.  Rachel reviewed P/L noting that ground expenses are $900 over budget, cleaning is $560 and repairs about $1K.  Website to date is $516.  Rachel and Melissa to follow up on 2024 projections.


Other Business:

● Strategy session tentatively planning some Friday in late Jan–Feb 2024.  No format specified, no prep yet.

● Adult program ideas - Cory Cook, Hospice, Tii McLane for Jan, Green burials

● Stephen Walker signed on for plowing and shoveling.  Thank you Cindy!

● Action items:

○ Cindy to file letter of new Morrill Trustee (ie, MNewman) with Town Office.

○ Melissa to continue pricing analysis of streaming content for 2024.

○ Kevin and Melissa to work on Palace instructions for publication.

○ Melissa to generate and collect information for Library annual report.

○ Cindy to send Ann Fayen and Conservation Commission letter of appreciation for invasive clean-up.

○ Miriam to contact Tii McLane to present sometime in January.

○ Kevin to resend Patron Questionnaire.

○ Carol to organize next steps and meeting on website.

○ All:  We Need thank you writers for donations.  Please volunteer.

○ All: Need to vote on Investment Committee proposal to reallocate Restricted Funds to improve income. 


Next Meeting Monday 13-Dec-2023