Investment Committee Minutes May 19, 2020

June 7, 2020

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Investment Committee

Minutes of May 19, 2020 Meeting


Present:  Cindy Stableford, Betsy Ruml, Gretchen Rittenhouse, John Hawkins, 

Absent:  Rachel Kurland


Minutes of the 1/14/20 meeting were approved.


Cindy reported for the Friends:

1.    The 2020 July 4thBook Sale and the annual membership drive have been cancelled for this year.  These two events usually bring in about $7,000 ($3,000 sale, $4,000 membership drive).

2.    The Friends would normally donate5% of their account balance(about $800) to the endowment.  We agreed to waive the contribution, so that the Friends can use it to support the library.

3.    The Libraryrolled over its $15,000 CD at ½ of 1%.  The $10,000 CD will mature in November.


Report from the Chair (Cindy):  All transfers/changes approved in January were made: $11K from the Large Cap Index (VLCAX) fund and $3K from the Extended Market Index (VEXAX) fund moved to $7K in the Short-Term Investment Grade (VFSTX) fund and $7K in the Total Bond Index (VBTLX) fund.  


John provided a follow-up to the January discussion regarding removing fossil fuel investments from the portfolio.  He recommends no action at this time solely because the markets are in such chaos. With the caveat that the portfolios have no overlap in funds and their x-rays look very different, he compared the performance of the church’s endowment (which has divested of fossil fuel investments) to the library’s (which has not).  Church is down 7% over the last 6 months, library down 9%. While he emphasized that a one-day look is not necessarily indicative, this is initial evidence that the divestment would not have a big impact on performance.  John still thinks divestment is a good idea “when the waters are calm”.  We will review again in January when we can compare against 12 months of (hopefully!) more normal performance.


Betsy reviewed the portfolio.

1.    Obviously, this is a very volatile time.  We saw 7-9% losses across the funds, with results varying quite a bit from day-to-day. The portfolio diversity and bond component helped with stability., as did our re-balancing back to our fixed-income target in January.

2.    Our equity/FI target is 65/35 but while we are currently at 62/38, Betsy recommends no change at this time because of turmoil and uncertainty in the markets.  

3.    Betsy will do an interim report in mid-September.  If we think action is required at that time, we can meet to re-visit.

The meeting was adjourned. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 9AM at the Library.


Respectfully Submitted,


Gretchen Rittenhouse



May Trustees Meeting

May 12, 2020
Due to the library being closed, there will not be a regularly scheduled trustees meeting this month.
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April Trustees Meeting

April 7, 2020
There will be no regularly scheduled meeting this month.
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Minutes for the March 9, 2020 Meeting

March 11, 2020

Minutes for the March 9 Trustees Meeting

The meeting convened at 7 p.m. at the library. Present were Cindy Binzen, Rachel Kurland, Miriam Newman, Curt Albee, Carol Wilson, Melissa Strayton (librarian) and Marty Frank.

Minutes from the February meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Rachel reported that no profit-and-loss statement was available because of a snag in moving our Quickbooks files to the new computer (the thumbdrive Kerry prepared is a  read-only file). While waiting for ...

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Minutes for the Feb. 10 Trustees Meeting

February 12, 2020

Minutes for the Feb. 10 Trustees Meeting

The meeting convened at 7 p.m. at the library. Present were Cindy Binzen, Miriam Newman, Curt Albee, Carol Wilson, Melissa Strayton (librarian),  and Marty Frank.

Minutes from the January meeting were approved.

Librarian’s Report: Melissa asked the trustees about the query from Carol Langstaff proposing to use the library as a contact point for making her large collection of tableware available for borrowing, and the trustees raised no objections....

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February Trustee Meeting Agenda

February 6, 2020

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Trustees Meeting

Monday, February 10, 2020, 7:00 pm


Any items to add or remove?


Secretary's Report

Review and approve minutes from the January meeting


Librarian's Report

How are things going? Help needed?

Ordering for collection – monthly

Children’s afterschool program – Sarah Rogers

Kanopy subscription update

Computers – Quickbooks, new laptop set up?

Baby books – list of names to Carol, new books

Anna Aversa

Adult program


Friends' Report



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Investment Committee Minutes January 14, 2020

January 21, 2020

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Investment Committee

Minutes of January 14, 2020 Meeting


Present:  Cindy Stableford, Betsy Ruml, Gretchen Rittenhouse, John Hawkins, Rachel Kurland


Minutes of the 5/14/19 meeting were approved.


Rachel provided an update report for the Library Trustees:

1.    The Trustees do not need to take a distribution from the endowment this year.  Despite the septic failure and other unexpected building needs, they were able to cover all expenses and still come out ahead...

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Minutes for the Jan. 13 Trustees Meeting

January 16, 2020

Minutes for the Jan. 13 Trustees Meeting

The meeting convened at 7 p.m. at the library. Present were Cindy Binzen, Miriam Newman, Curt Albee, Carol Wilson, Rachel Kurland, Melissa Strayton (librarian), Kerry Claffey (bookkeeper) and Marty Frank.

Minutes from the December meeting were approved.

Librarian’s Report: Melissa reported that she has been busy ordering new materials for the library and has spent the budgeted amounts for books, DVDs and audiobooks. She is in good shape in terms o...

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January Trustees Meeting

January 10, 2020

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Trustees Meeting

Monday, January 13, 2020, 7:00 pm


Any items to add or remove?


Secretary's Report

Review and approve minutes from the December meeting


Librarian's Report

How are things going? Help needed?

Ordering for collection – monthly, all 2019 $ spent?

Children’s afterschool program – Sarah Rogers

Kanopy subscription update

Computers – Quickbooks, new laptop set up?

Baby books – list of names to Carol, new books  


Friends' Report


Treasurer's Rep...

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Minutes of December 2019 Trustees Meeting

December 15, 2019

Minutes for the Dec. 9 Trustees Meeting

The meeting convened at 7 p.m. at the library. Present were Cindy Binzen, Miriam Newman, Curt Albee, Carol Wilson, Rachel Kurland, Melissa Strayton (librarian), Kerry Claffey (bookkeeper) and Marty Frank.

Minutes from the November meeting were approved.

Librarian’s Report: Melissa said she received notification that we had received a $3,000 grant from Turrell, up $1,000 from the amount we’ve received in recent years. Her research on use of the Ka...

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Trustees of the Morrill Memorial & Harris Library

The Board of Trustees meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the library.

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