Minutes for January 14, 2019 Trustees Meeting

January 18, 2019

Minutes for Jan. 14 Trustees Meeting

Present: Cindy Binzen, Curt Albee, Marty Frank, Melissa Strayton (librarian), Carol Wilson, Rachel Kurland, Kerry Claffey (bookkeeper), Miriam Newman

Minutes from the December meeting were accepted.

Bookkeeper’s Report: Kerry distributed a Profit & Loss statement for 2018, which showed total income at $58,880 (down $373 from 2017) and expenses at $57,129 (up $847) for a positive operating margin of $1,751 (compared with a positive margin of $2,973 in 2017). He said the transition from Rebecca to himself is going well, and he plans to complete the work necessary to allow direct deposit for Melissa.

Librarian’s Report: Melissa reported that although Cameron will soon no longer be available for volunteer staffing, the library is in good shape for coverage. She further investigated the possibility of providing the New York Times digitally to patrons and found that the lowest cost would be about $1,200, which is too much. Moreover, the library subscribes to Vermont Online, which provides our users access to back issues of the Times. She is considering getting one online subscription to the Times. On the other hand, subscribing to Kanopy videostreaming service might make a lot of sense. It offers 30,000 titles, including documentaries, foreign films, educational programs and specialty content such as the Great Courses program, and charges $2 per view. The library would be able to control the cost of the service by setting a cap for how many titles each patron could view annually. The Woodstock library offers the service, and Melissa said she would check to see what it spends.

Todd Binzen wants to use the library on Feb. 13 for the Windsor County Partners mentoring program. Bob Bauer, on the other hand, has decided to stop offering his regular meditation sessions. After having reviewed the final 2018 budget report, Melissa said she will try to make adjustments to how she orders new materials for the collection. She also plans to apply for a Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF) grant, which would need to be coordinated with the school.

Treasurer’s Report: Rachel said a few more donations have rolled in since the beginning of the year. She checked in with Mascoma Bank on their CD rates by way of figuring out how we might do better with the large balance sitting in the checking account that is now earning no interest. The bank pays 2 percent for a 13-month CD and 2.65 percent for an 18-month CD — about the highest rates offered by the institutions she surveyed. She will consult with the investment committee about what Vanguard might offer and what the committee might advise us regarding how much might prudently be locked up in CDs and on what kind of schedule. She noted that a review of the end-of-the-year balance sheet shows that most line items were similar to the previous year’s, although we received about $1,000 less from the Friends, had fewer restricted gifts (although about the same in total donations) and purchases for the collection were down. The large increase in miscellaneous income reflects the insurance money we received for the basement cleanup.

Miscellaneous: Melissa reported the courier service unilaterally switched its delivery day from Monday to Tuesday, a day the library is closed. She solved that problem by making arrangements to have the deliveries dropped off and picked up at the post office. Miriam suggested Melissa urge the state to alter the contract with the service to prevent future unilateral changes. Curt said he intends to fix the outdoor sign. The independent contractor we hired to clean the furnace performed that service, and was a pleasure to deal with. Marty said he would review the website to see what needs to be updated and also said he would prepare the narrative for the Town Meeting report. Cindy mentioned that it’s been a while since the library offered some special programming and invited the board to come up with some ideas. Among the suggestions: a presentation on computer security; a game night; a night with Melvin Coburn.

The next meeting will be Feb. 11.

Submitted by Marty Frank 


January 2019 Trustees meeting Agenda

January 10, 2019

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Trustees Meeting

Monday, January 14, 2019, 7:00 pm



Any items to add or remove?


Secretary's Report

Review and approve minutes from the December meeting


Librarian's Report

How are things going? Help needed? Volunteer list

Ordering for collection

Children’s programs, payment

NY Times subscription?


Friends' Report


Treasurer's Report

Review profit and loss statement

Appeals letter donations

CD research


Other Business

Kerry - check signing, other banking

Sign repair...

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Minutes for December 2018 Trustees Meeting

December 31, 2018

Minutes for Dec. 17 Trustees Meeting

Present: Cindy Binzen, Curt Albee, Marty Frank, Melissa Strayton (librarian), Carol Wilson, Rachel Kurland, Kerry Claffey (bookkeeper)

Minutes from the November meeting were accepted.

Librarian’s Report: Melissa reported that she had received a certified letter from the estate of Anne Aversa notifying us that the library had been named a beneficiary in her will. The regional Girl Scouts organization plans to use the library for a meeting on Feb. 4. T...

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December Trustees Meeting Agenda

December 14, 2018

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Trustees Meeting

Monday, December 17, 2018, 7:00 pm



Any items to add or remove?


Secretary's Report

Review and approve minutes from the November meeting


Librarian's Report

How are things going? Help needed? Volunteer list

Ordering for collection

Children’s programs, payment


Holiday hours


Friends' Report

Holiday Sale


Treasurer's Report

Review profit and loss statement

Appeals letter donations

*** Budget for 2019 *** 


Other Business

Kerry - new bookkeeper...

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December Trustees Meeting Date Change

November 25, 2018
The December meeting has been rescheduled to Monday, December 17.
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November 2018 Trustees Meeting Minutes

November 25, 2018

Minutes for Nov. 19 Trustees Meeting

Present: Cindy Binzen, Curt Albee, Marty Frank, Miriam Newman, Melissa Strayton (librarian), Carol Wi...

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November 2018 Trustees Meeting Agenda

November 15, 2018

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Trustees Meeting

Monday, November 19, 2018, 7:00 pm



Any items to add or remove?


Secretary's Report

Review and approve minutes from the October meeting


Librarian's Report

How are things going? Help needed? Volunteer list

Ordering for collection

Children’s programs,...

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November 2018 Trustees Meeting Agenda

November 15, 2018

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Rescheduled November Trustees Meeting

November 7, 2018
The November Trustees meeting will be held on November 19, 2018.
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Minutes for October 2018 Trustees Meeting

October 17, 2018

Minutes for Oct. 15 Trustees Meeting

Present: Cindy Binzen, Curt Albee, Marty Frank, Miriam Newman, Melissa Strayton (librarian), Carol Wi...

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Trustees of the Morrill Memorial & Harris Library

The Board of Trustees meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the library.

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