Minutes for Trustees' February 2018 Meeting

February 16, 2018

Minutes for Feb. 12 Trustees Meeting

Present: Cindy Binzen, Curt Albee, Marty Frank, Carol Wilson, Rachel Kurland, Melissa Strayton (librarian), David Webb (for the Friends)

Minutes from the January meeting were accepted.

Librarian’s Report: Melissa said that things continue to go well. She has inquired about piggybacking onto the courier service for interlibrary loans, which has refused to deliver directly to Strafford, by arranging to use the Royalton library as the drop-off and pick-up point. The service costs $350 yearly, which is significantly less than we pay in postage, and is very easy to use.

Melissa has updated the contact information with Baker & Taylor. She has started to work with Emily to prepare a summer reading program. The theme for this summer is “Libraries Rock.” She has applied for a $200 grant from the Vermont Department of Libraries, which she would use to help pay for someone who offers a program in which kids would work on making musical instruments. Melissa noted that some patrons are having trouble opening the interior entrance door; Curt said he would look at it.

Cindy asked about the possibility of continuing to mark the arrival of new babies in town with bookplates noting their birth. In addition to doing that, Melissa said she wants to send a new board book to families with newly arrived babies. The challenge, everyone agreed, will be finding out who the new babies are.

Friends: David acknowledged that the group has been hibernating for the winter, although a meeting is planned for April. David has decided to step down as president of the Friends board, and Ingrid Webb will be leaving the board altogether. That leaves the significant challenge of finding a new president and covering the work that David and Ingrid have been doing for the Holiday Sale.

David expressed interest in pursuing a fundraising idea passed along by Melissa. It would be modeled after an event put on in Killington called Spell and Sip, which combined a spelling bee with some food and drink. The Killington event attracted about 60 people and raised $600. David observed that such a fundraiser, in combination with one or two others, might replace the regiftable component of the Holiday Sale, which involves a fair amount of work (although it raises more than $1,000). Some trustees expressed concern that jettisoning the regiftables would leave little at the sale itself to attract people to the library. 

Treasurer’s Report: Rachel has sent the annual financial statement to the Probate Court. She noted that Green Mountain Power had threatened to cut off our power because we were behind in paying our bills. That was the result of some mix-up with the solar company, which we were under the impression was paying the GMP bill after we had paid their bill. The trustees were in general agreement that our arrangement with the solar company — and how it has affected what we pay for electricity — has been murky from the start. Rachel said she would contact Dori Wolfe to get some sort of accounting.

Miscellaneous: Melissa conducted some preliminary research about what would be involved in changing our no-alcohol policy. She said the library would be governed under a special provision of the state regulations, which would require that we first receive general permission from the Selectboard to serve alcohol, would require the state liquor control board to be notified five days in advance of whatever event we intended to serve alcohol at, and would require a designated person from the library to oversee it and take an alcohol education class. Various fees would be owed to the state. Curt noted that Barrett Hall is able to host events in which alcohol is served simply by insisting that whoever is running the event demonstrate that it has insurance coverage. Marty questioned whether the various regulations cited by Melissa were established for organizations that intended to serve alcohol themselves as  opposed to simply allowing alcohol to be consumed by whatever group is using their buildings. Melissa said she would check how the Tunbridge Library, which hosts numerous art openings in which alcohol is served, handles the matter.

Cindy updated the board about the ongoing effort to get Rymes to cover the cost of cleaning the soot left in the basement after the furnace-cleaning. Rymes’ insurance company has offered to pay 50 percent of the estimated cost of the clean-up — which would be $2,000 if we proceed with ServePro. The board agreed to pursue this.

Marty is going to ask Emily for training in maintaining the website, and Cindy is going to ask Emily to look over the website and see what might need to be updated.

The next meeting will be March 12.

Submitted by Marty Frank


Investment Committee Minutes January 2018

February 4, 2018

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Investment Committee

Minutes of January 23, 2018 Meeting

Present:  Cindy Stableford, Betsy Ruml, Gretchen Rittenhouse

Absent:  John Hawkins, Rachel Kurland (who is stranded on her icy road)

Minutes of May 23, 2017 approved.

Rachel provided an e-mail report for the Library Trustees:

  1. Library ended 2018 with an operating surplus of $59,253 - $56,279=$2,974.

  2. Cash balances in the bank account are significant, so the Trustees do not anticipate needing to use the 2017 en...

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Minutes of the January 2018 Trustees Meeting

February 4, 2018

Minutes for Jan. 29 Trustees Meeting

Present: Cindy Binzen, Curt Albee, Miriam Newman, Marty Frank, Carol Wilson, Rachel Kurland, Melissa ...

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Rescheduled January Trustees Meeting

January 23, 2018
Due to icy roads, the January Trustees Meeting has been rescheduled. It will now be held on Monday, January 29, 2018 at 7:00pm.
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Minutes of the December 2017 Trustees Meeting

December 31, 2017

Minutes for Dec. 11 Trustees Meeting

Present: Cindy Binzen, Curt Albee, Miriam Newman, Marty Frank, Rebecca Seibel (librarian), Carol Wils...

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January 2018 Trustee Meeting Date Change

December 21, 2017
The January Trustee meeting will be held on Monday, January 22, 2018
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December 11, 2017 Trustees Meeting Agenda

December 7, 2017

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Meeting of the Trustees 

Monday, December 11, 2017, 7:00 PM

Draft Agenda

Welcome Melissa Strayton

Any items to add or remove?

Secretary’s Report

●  Review and approve minutes from the November meeting

Librarian’s Report

      Afterschool program - update, funding - Turrell and other grants

      Appeals letter donations


Friends’ Report

      Holiday Sale

      Kay Plunkett thank you


Treasurer’s Report

      Review profit and loss statement


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November 2017 Minutes

November 9, 2017

Minutes for Nov. 6 Trustees Meeting

Present: Cindy Binzen, Curt Albee, Miriam Newman, Marty Frank, Rebecca Seibel (librarian), Carol Wilso...

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November Meeting of the Trustees Rescheduled

October 4, 2017
The November meeting will be held on Monday, November 6, 2017.

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Rescheduled September and October Trustees Meetings

August 23, 2017
The September and October meetings of the trustees have been rescheduled and a combined meeting will be held on Monday, October 2, 2017.

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Trustees of the Morrill Memorial & Harris Library

The Board of Trustees meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the library.

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