January 2015 Trustee Meeting Agenda

January 9, 2015

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Monday, January 12, 2015, 7:00 PM  

Any items to add or remove?

Secretary's Report

* Review and approve minutes from the December meeting

Librarian's Report

* Programs - VT Humanities Council

* After school program update

* Storytime update

* Appeals letter donations and thank yous

Friends' Report

Treasurer's Report

* Review Profit and Loss statement

* Budget request for Selectboard

* Town Report narrative and financial report

Other Business

* Trustee elections/appointments - Town Meeting Day

* Snow removal substitute - Mark will be away 3/8/15 - 3/29/15

* Workstation

* Basement findings

* Building and Grounds - weatherization

February Monthly Duty

* Recruit new members to fill any vacant positions


Meeting Minutes for the Morrill Library Board of Trustees, December 8, 2014

December 13, 2014


Present: Curt Albee, Cindy Binzen, Martin Frank, Danette Harris, Rebecca Seibel, Cindy Stableford (from The Friends), Carol Wilson

Absent: Rachel Kurland

1. Secretary’s Report: The minutes from the November 10 meeting were reviewed and approved as written.

2. Librarian’s Report:

          A. The Heritage Quest website is accessible by obtaining the pass-

          word from Rebecca.

          B. The Impact Survey for patrons is on hold for no...

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Morrill Memorial Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes from November 10, 2014

November 14, 2014
Present: Curt Albee, Cindy Binzen, Martin Frank, Danette Harris, Rachel Kurland, Rebecca Seibel (librarian), Cindy Stableford(from The Friends of the Morrill Library), Carol Wilson

 1. The minutes from the October 6 meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.

 2. Librarian’s Report:

        A. Rebecca is currently working on the statistics report        which is due this month.

        B. She will probably participate in a survey called

        “The Digital Inclusion Survey”...

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November agenda

November 7, 2014


Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Monday, November 10, 2014
7:00 PM




Any items to add or remove?


Secretary's Report
* Review and approve minutes from the October meeting

Librarian's Report
* Upcoming programs
* After school program update
* Storytime update
* Appeals letter donations
* Book drop
* Workstation
* Vacation time

Friends' Report
* Holiday Sale
* Window shades installed

Treasurer's Report
* Review Profit an...

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Board of Trustees, Meeting Minutes from October 6,2014

October 10, 2014

Morrill Memorial Library Board of Trustees

Meeting Minutes from October 6, 2014


Present: Curt Albee, Cindy Binzen, Martin Frank, Danette Harris, Rachel Kurland, Anni Praetorius (from The Friends of the Morrill Library), Rebecca Seibel (librarian)

Absent: Carol Wilson


1. Cindy asked if there were any items to be added to or deleted from the agenda. There were none.


2. Secretary’s Report: The minutes from the September 8 meeting were reviewed and were accepted as submitted.

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October Trustee Meeting

October 2, 2014

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Board of Trustees Meeting
October 6, 2014 - *Please note date change*

7:00 PM




Any items to add or remove?

* Possible floodlight for back walkway


Secretary's Report
* Review and approve minutes from the September meeting

Librarian's Report
* Upcoming programs
* After school program
* Storytime
Friends' Report

* Anni Praetorius – new work station

Treasurer's Report
* Review Profit and Loss statement

Other Busi...

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Board of Trustees: Meeting Minutes from September 8, 2014

September 10, 2014

Morrill Memorial Board of Trustees

Meeting Minutes-September 8, 2014

Present: Curt Albee, Cindy Binzen, Martin Frank, Danette Harris, Rachel Kurland, Rebecca Seibel, Carol Wilson

1. Changes to the agenda for this evening: none

2. Secretary’s Report: The minutes from the July 7, 2014 meeting were accepted as written. Danette thanked Carol for taking the minutes in July. 

(Note: There was not a Board meeting in August.)

3. Librarian’s Report:

A. Curt was thanked for taking a chair from...

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Meeting Agenda for 9/8/2014

September 5, 2014
Morrill Memorial and Harris Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

September 8, 2014 Agenda

The new Open Meeting Law states that an item may only be added or removed

from a meeting agenda as the 1st order of business at the meeting.

Anything to add or remove?

Secretary's Report

* Review and approve minutes from the July meeting

Librarian's Report

* Summer programming

* Turrel...

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Trustees of the Morrill Memorial & Harris Library

The Board of Trustees meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the library.

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