Board of Trustees, Meeting Minutes from October 6,2014
October 10, 2014Morrill Memorial Library Board of Trustees
Meeting Minutes from October 6, 2014
Present: Curt Albee, Cindy Binzen, Martin Frank, Danette Harris, Rachel Kurland, Anni Praetorius (from The Friends of the Morrill Library), Rebecca Seibel (librarian)
Absent: Carol Wilson
1. Cindy asked if there were any items to be added to or deleted from the agenda. There were none.
2. Secretary’s Report: The minutes from the September 8 meeting were reviewed and were accepted as submitted.
3. Librarian’s Report:
A. Programs:
1. The After School Program is going strongly with
13-16 children in attendance.
2. Story Times are scheduled for October 17 and
November 11.
3. Some special programs are being considered.
4. Christine Barlett is interested in helping to organize
a program from the Vermont Humanities Council that
would be presented in the winter in 2-3 sessions.
5. On November 12, Gus Speth will be reading from
his new book at the library. It is hoped that a reading
by Gregory Maguire of his new book might be arranged.
B. Bethany Cole kindly donated a bucket of Legos.
C. A check from Efficiency Vermont was received in the
amount of $1,449 for the insulation project. This amount
includes an unexpected bonus of $500.
D. Rebecca received a call from an antique collecting
organization called CRACK. They would like to donate
$200 in memory of Gerard Stevens. The money would
go towards the purchase of new books. Rebecca will
generate a list of books and then order them.
E. Rebecca will attend a Library World meeting on October
17 and she attended a local libraries meeting in South Royalton on October 21.
F. A flier was presented about the November 1 meeting for
Vermont Public Library Trustees. The theme is “Money
Matters” and interested trustees should see Rebecca.
G. Rebecca wonders if there is enough light on the pathway
to the back door. The trustees went out and looked at the
situation. It was asked if a tree is blocking the light and
also if a light could be placed on the back porch roof.
H. Rachel noted that Rebecca is attending workshops that
occur on non-work days for her. It was suggested that
Rebecca take off on October 20 to make up for this time.
I. Rebecca was also encouraged to take her vacation time.
4. Report of The Friends
A. Anni reported that, at their last meeting, David Webb
informed the group about “maker space” conference that
he attended.
B. The Friends have generously ordered double celled
window shades for the front room of the library.
C. The Annual Meeting will take place on October 23.
There will be a business meeting at 6:00pm, followed by
a program by a local author at 7:00pm.
1. The new board of officers will be announced,
which will be Cindy Stableford serving as both
president and treasurer. David Webb serving
as vice president and Anni serving as
D. The Holiday Sale will be taking place on December 6 and
plans are underway.
E. The Friends have been working with Curt to design a new
work desk to be located where the circulation desktop computer currently sits. Curt presented a plan to the
trustees and has volunteered to actually construct the
new desk, possibly using oak plywood. The Friends are
funding this project. Curt and Anni welcome suggestions
and Cindy thanked them both for their work on this project.
1. One concern is where to put the wireless modem.
Several possibilities were discussed. Rebecca has
emailed Mike Tisdale and will talk with EC Fiber.
2. It was wondered if the area where the hard
drive will sit needs ventilation.
F. At this point, there was a discussion of reorganization of
the basement. Rachel, Cindy and Danette offered to help
with this work.
5. Treasurer’s Report
1. The group reviewed the Profit and Loss statement dated
October 6. Marty stated that the library’s finances are
in “decent shape”.
2. The question was posed whether money should be moved
from the savings account to a CD. No decision was made.
3. Also considered was whether the library should add an
“umbrella” liability policy. Marty has a call in to
Mascoma Bank and they are looking into this for the library. Two questions to ask are: What would be the cost? How much more coverage would there be?
4. The insurance audit for workmen’s comp. was done. The
rate went up about $13.00.
6. Other business
A. Cindy spoke with Mark Chute who is willing to do snow
removal. Cindy will follow up with him and will report back.
B. The topic of the basement reorganization came up again.
Rebecca needs about an hour to start the process. Cindy will
come in to cover the circulation desk next week so that
Rebecca can accomplish this initial work. Emily will also
want to organize her materials. Then volunteers will be
needed to help.
C. Rachel called several resources about shredding the
boxes of library paperwork. At one place, there is a
$60 minimum for shredding. Rebecca will ask the town
clerk to see if the library might be able to use their shredder.The possibility of burning the materials was discussed and several trustees volunteered to take home materials to burn.
D. The library will be closed on October 13 for the
Columbus Day holiday.
E. Building and Grounds
1. There is nothing to report on gutter cleaning.
2. The upper railing out front was scraped and
painted. No bill has been sent yet.
3. Masonry and weatherization are still being
worked on.
4. Marty will write a thank you note to the
Mascoma Foundation.
5. The rugs were satisfactorily cleaned by
Sterling Quality Cleaners.
F. It was discussed how to handle the situation when
patrons are using the computers yet other patrons
are waiting. One suggestion was to have a laptop that
could be offered.
G. Cindy reported that “A Manual for VT Library Trustees”
lists policies that libraries should have which includes
policies on:
-general goals and priorities (including a mission statement and service priorities)
-general operation (fines, hours, who may use library, etc.)
-use of meeting space
-bulletin boards
-unattended children
-confidentiality of library records
-non-discrimination in service to public and library
-intellectual freedom
-collection development
-dealing with gifts
-public use of electronic resources
H. The appeals letter should go out in early November. Marty will start work on its composition in October.
Rachel will order 2 rubber stamps that have the bulk
mailing info on them and she will purchase envelopes.
Trustees will meet at Curt’s home on October 27 at
7pm to stuff the envelopes.
7. Next meeting: November 10, 2014 at 7:00pm at the library. (One agenda item is to focus on the general operations policy.)
Respectfully submitted,
Danette Harris, secretary
Posted by Morrill Memorial & Harris Library.