Minutes for the July 12, 2023 Trustees Meeting
July 16, 2023Minutes of the July 12, 2023 Trustees Meeting
The meeting began at 7:00pm on Wednesday, July12, 2023.
Present: Cindy Binzen, Rachel Kurland, Miriam Newman, Carol Wilson, Melissa Strayton,
Librarian, and Diane White, for the Friends
Friends Report: The Friends had a successful Book Sale, with great volunteer help putting it
together and taking it all down. They are looking into purchasing their own tents and making
some organizational improvements, with color-coding and numbering to make set-up and take-
down more efficient. Also looking into getting a Venmo account. Diane reported that the Friends
were able to give $3100 to the Library. The Trustees are so grateful for our Friends.
Librarian’s Report: Melissa also expressed her gratitude to the Friends “for all their help in
many ways.” The Summer Children’s Program and the Summer Reading Program are just
getting started. The Beading Bonanza has been rescheduled to Monday Aug. 7 th at 6:30pm. The
revised library policies will be scanned onto the computer. Melissa will promote our new audiobook
and ebook platform, available through the Palace App. We have a UEI, but we also need registration
with SAM.gov to apply for grants, which Melissa is working on. The Fiction section has been
weeded. Mystery and/or Children’s sections will be next. Melissa mentioned the vacuum needs
Treasurer’s Report: We went over the Profit & Loss statement. There are some cost increases
for services and other expenses.
Other Business: Cindy reported that the Library basement took in water after Monday night’s
storm, and it seemed to have mostly come in through the bulkhead. Volunteers including Rocky
Fuller, Bob Wilson, and Elizabeth Gortner, as well as Cindy, Miriam, Melissa, and Carol helped
with cleanup. Fans and a borrowed, working de-humidifier are drying things out. Cindy has
ordered a new de-humidifier for the Library, and a tarp will be secured over the closed bulkhead.
A correspondence was read and discussed. Tom Cecere has not gotten back to us regarding the
ECFiber hub. Mollie Faccio will be submitting revised logo designs for the website. Since we
have been unable to find someone, Melissa will lead the first summer preschool story time and
hopefully parent volunteers will cover other dates. Rachel agreed to cover circulation while
Melissa conducts the program. Cindy offered to do some dates too.
The reading by Herb Goertz had to be postponed due to the Morrill Homestead having to close for the state of emergency statewide. A new date will be set.
Next Meeting: Monday, August 14, 2023, at 7:30pm (please note time change)
Posted by Morrill Memorial & Harris Library.