Minutes of the September 16, 2024 MM&HL Trustees

The Meeting convened at 7:00pm. Present:  Cindy Binzen, Miriam Newman, Kevin Lynch, Becky Proulx, Carol Wilson, and Melissa Strayton, Librarian.

Minutes of the August meeting were approved.

Librarian’s Report:  

*Replacements for the aging computers are still being researched, as is a new thermostat

*People can sign up for the new service, Biblio. Its launch is imminent and will ultimately replace Kanopy.

*Gift certificates are being distributed to the participants of the summer reading program who completed their reading goals.

Other Business:

*Architect Proposal:  Discussion of the conceptual design proposal from Kelley DesRoches of Wiemann Lamphere Architects for possible library expansion and/or space planning. Because we have a number of questions, Becky offered to put together draft list of our questions. The trustees will review and then submit this list to Kelley for answers and clarification.

*Survey:  Becky reported that the survey is still in process but soon will be distributed.

*Website Improvement:  Kevin has contacted Geoff Hansen in hopes of establishing a timeline for completion, but has yet to hear back.  We know Geoff is quite busy until November, but we hope to have our new website up by January 1st.  Carol will contact Geoff again to see if this is possible. Kevin has proposed other website designers, if needed.

*Adult Programs:  There will be an introduction to the new online programs available on Monday, October 21st.

Jared Jenisch has agreed to do a program with his daughter about their trip to Nepal- hoping to schedule a date in November.

*The report from the Personnel Committee was distributed.

October Monthly Duties:

*Prepare annual appeals letter- Carol will contact Mascoma Bank to see if we can set up a direct deposit, as many people no longer write checks.

*Snow removal- Cindy will look into setting this up.

Next Meeting:  Monday, October 7, 2024, 7:00pm.

Respectfully submitted, Carol Wilson